What are the different stages of creation as described in Genesis Chapter 1? Creation Process

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  • What are the different stages of creation as described in Genesis Chapter 1? Creation Process

Day 1: Creation of Light

  • God creates light, separating it from darkness.
  • Light is called “day”, and darkness is called “night”.

Day 2: Creation of the Sky

  • God creates the sky, separating the waters above from the waters below.

Day 3: Creation of Land, Sea, and Vegetation

  • God gathers the waters below the sky into one place, creating dry land called “earth” and the gathered waters called “seas”.
  • God brings forth vegetation: plants, trees, and seed-bearing vegetation.

Day 4: Creation of Sun, Moon, and Stars

  • God creates the sun to govern the day, the moon to govern the night, and the stars.
  • These celestial bodies are to serve as signs to mark sacred times, days, and years.

Day 5: Creation of Sea Creatures and Birds

  • God creates sea creatures and every living thing that moves in the waters.
  • God creates birds to fly above the earth across the sky.

Day 6: Creation of Land Animals and Humans

  • God creates land animals, including livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals.
  • God creates humans in His own image, both male and female, and gives them dominion over the earth and its creatures.

Day 7: Rest

  • God rests from His work, blessing the seventh day and making it holy, as He had completed the work of creation.

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