Bible Study

Eschatological Themes

Jesus taught His disciples about the future. He spoke of a time when He would return, when the world would face judgment, and when God’s Kingdom would fully come. This teaching is found in the Gospel of Matthew, particularly in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25). In these chapters, Jesus shares…
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Jesus as the Son of God

Jesus, but He was not just any ordinary man—He was the Son of God. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus’ divine sonship is a central theme, as Matthew presents Him as not only the promised Messiah but also the unique Son of God. This is made clear in several key…
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The Great Commission

After Jesus rose from the dead, He gathered His disciples and gave them a final, important mission. This event, recorded in Matthew 28:19-20, is known as The Great Commission. In these verses, Jesus instructed His disciples to go out into the world, spreading His teachings and making disciples of all…
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Jesus’ Atoning Death and Resurrection

Jesus, the Son of God, came to offer Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity. The final chapters of the Gospel of Matthew (chapters 26-28) focus on the events leading up to Jesus’ death and His glorious resurrection. These moments are central to the Christian faith, showing how…
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Parables of the Kingdom

Jesus used stories called parables to teach people deep truths about God’s Kingdom. These parables helped His listeners understand what the Kingdom of Heaven is like—how it grows, how it works, and what it is worth. In the Gospel of Matthew, several parables focus on the Kingdom of Heaven, showing…
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Jesus’ Authority

when Jesus was on earth, He demonstrated that He had authority over all things. Through His teachings, miracles, and His resurrection, Jesus showed that He was not just an ordinary man, but the Son of God with power and authority over nature, sin, demons, and even death. The Gospel of…
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The Role of Law and Grace

The Jewish people lived according to the Law given by God through Moses, a set of rules and commandments that guided their lives and their relationship with God. When Jesus came, He brought a new understanding of the Law, showing that it was not just about outward obedience but about…
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The Sermon on the Mount

Jesus went up on a mountainside and began teaching His disciples and the crowds about how to live a life that pleases God. This teaching is called the Sermon on the Mount, and it is one of the most famous parts of the Bible. In it, Jesus shared deep truths…
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